Our love and attention

is focussed on children with disabilities and their families


Timion consists of two independet organizations

Timion Switzerland

Verein Timion
Hardstrasse 28
4142 Münchenstein






Timion South Africa

Timion NPC
3 Ferlot Stores
3 Lootspark Crescent    
Jeffreys Bay, 6330    
South Africa
Phone:  +2742 293 4296
Fax:  +2786 561 7173

Timion NPC 121-166

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This website is provided by Timion Switzerland.

Services and products described on this website are rendered by Timion NPC South Africa.


Design: webpresso.ch

Hosting: www.kreativmedia.ch




Erf 1656 Aston Bay
Dolphin drive   
Aston Bay 6332
South Africa
Phone:  +2742 293 4296
Fax:  +2786 561 7173

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